Cancellation Policy

At Ezys, we understand that plans can change. Our Cancellation Policy is designed to provide flexibility while also ensuring fairness to all parties involved.

Cancellation Period:

You can cancel your rental order free of charge before the shipping of your order. Once your order has been shipped, cancellation may incur charges as detailed below.

Cancellation Charges:

If you cancel your order after shipping but before delivery, we may ask you to pay the shipping charges incurred. This amount will be based on actual costs and deducted from any refund due to you.

No Refunds After Delivery:

Once you have accepted delivery of your rental item, no refunds will be provided for cancellations. We encourage you to thoroughly inspect the item upon delivery and report any issues promptly.

Dispute Resolution:

If you believe that you are entitled to a refund due to extenuating circumstances, please contact our customer service team. We will review your request and work with you to find a fair resolution.


In certain cases, such as product unavailability or unforeseen circumstances, we may cancel your order and provide a full refund without any charges.

How to Cancel:

To cancel your order, please contact our customer service team via email or phone. Be sure to provide your order details and reason for cancellation to expedite the process.

Refund Policy:

In case of eligible refunds, we aim to process and credit the amount to the customer's bank account within 5-7 working days

Policy Updates:

We reserve the right to update or modify our Cancellation Policy at any time. Any changes will be communicated to customers via our website or email.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in adhering to our Cancellation Policy. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to our customer service team for assistance.